Tips to help manage reluctant Swimmers in Schools programs

We’ve all been there – staring at a student who’s gripping the pool’s edge like it’s the last piece of solid ground on Earth. Perhaps they’re apprehensive, maybe they’re just not in the mood, or it could be they’ve had an unsettling experience before. Engaging these hesitant young swimmers, especially when they feel they’ve been pushed into the deep end (figuratively speaking), can feel like wading upstream. But with understanding, a splash of creativity, and patience, we can help them find joy in the water. Let’s dive into some strategies:

Dive Deeper into Their Concerns

Before you make your move, it’s vital to understand their reluctance. Is it a past incident that’s left them wary? Or perhaps they’re just finding it tedious? Identifying the root issue can shape your approach.

One Splash at a Time

Often, water fears can be eased bit by bit. Start off with basic, non-threatening activities. Blowing bubbles, making hand whirlpools, or a walk in the kiddie pool can gently introduce them to the joys of water.

All Fun and Games

Nothing dispels apprehension like a good game. Whether it’s ‘Tag with a Twist’, floating toy races, or even underwater treasure hunts, infusing fun can quickly change their perception.

Buddy Up!

There’s comfort in numbers. Pairing a hesitant learner with a more assured swimmer can work wonders. This camaraderie can act as a safety net and a source of encouragement.

Spin a Tale

Children have a vivid imagination. Why not transform the swimming lesson into a grand adventure? Whether they’re mermaids hunting for pearls or astronauts in zero gravity, a good story can make all the difference.

Celebrate the Baby Steps

Lay out a clear path and celebrate every little achievement. A high-five for floating, a cheer for their first lap – it all counts!

Give Them the Reins

Let them have some say. Whether it’s picking the game or choosing the day’s challenge, a bit of autonomy can change their perspective.

Feedback is Your Friend

A few words of genuine praise or constructive feedback can make a world of difference. Let them know you see their efforts and appreciate their progress.

Tech to the Rescue

Bring in some cool waterproof gadgets. Whether it’s a fun pool light or a lap counter, a little tech can make them eager to jump in.

Stay Fluid

Every child is unique, so be ready to adapt. Flexibility in your approach can help resonate with each student’s individual needs.
With these strategies in your arsenal, you’re better equipped to turn each session into an experience they’ll cherish. Remember, the goal isn’t just to teach them how to swim, but to help them love every moment they spend in the water. Dive in and make a splash!


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